Monday, 16 March 2015

A Ti (To You)

One of the great things that makes me adore Lunafly is this one capability that they possess that might not be possess by other kpop groups is their ability to speak in other languages.

Recently, they have released their Spanish album, "Hermosos Recuerdo" and I found that "A Ti" (the title of one of the songs) is SERIOUSLY AMAZING!!! At first, I just listened to the melody without knowing the meaning of any of those words. The moment when I listened to it, OMG! I JUST FALL IN LOVE! They have produced a masterpiece!

And then, I tried to search for the translation of the song. Guess what, it makes me fall in love with the song more and more!! THE SONG IS JUST GREAT. TRUST ME!

No wonder the song sounds great, it's about heartbreak. And hell yeah, I'm going through a major heartbreak now T^T. Yeah, sad but true and I'm still in recovering phase now.. I'll write an entry about what I've learned through heartbreak later. But now, let's focusing on LUNAFLY. I'll put the lyrics, translation and the link for the song here.

Have a wonderful time listening to it. I'm just a fangirl who wants to spread the love over the world. :)

"A ti"
Quiero olvidarte aunque no es tan fácil decir adiós
Miénteme y dime que no tuviste elección
Dime que este no es nuestro fin
Que aun vivo como un recuerdo dentro de ti
*Hoy seré la sombra de lo que fui
Y a ti y a ti y a ti te deseo que seas feliz
Ya es la hora tienes que partir
Ve sin mi, ve sin mi
No olvides borrarme al amanecer
Siento que enloqueceré
Hasta el viento susurra mi derrota rotunda
Y mientras sonríes
Mis heridas crecen no las puedo detener
Dime que este no es nuestro fin
Que aun vivo como un recuerdo dentro de ti
*Hoy seré la sombra de lo que fui
Y a ti, y a ti, y a ti te deseo que seas feliz
Ya es la hora tienes que partir
Ve sin mi, ve sin mi
No olvides borrarme al amanecer
Ve liberarme
Por que pierdo el control
No me detendré hasta olvidarte
*Hoy seré la sombra de lo que fui
Y a ti, y a ti, y a ti te deseo que seas feliz
Ya es la hora tienes que partir
Ve sin mi, ve sin mi
No olvides borrarme al amanecer
"To You"
I want to forget you even thought it ain't easy to say goodbye
Lie to me and tell me you didn't have a choice
Tell me that this isn't our end
That I still live inside of you like a memory
*Today I will turn into the shadow of what I was
And I, and I, and I wish you to be happy
It is time you have to leave
Go without me, go without me
Don't forget to erase me at dawn
I feel like I am going crazy
Even the wind whispers my major fail
And while you smile
My wounds keep growing I can't stop them
Tell me that this isn't our end
That I still live inside of you like a memory
*Today I will turn into the shadow of what I was
And I, and I, and I wish you to be happy
It is time you have to leave
Go without me, go without me
Don't forget to erase me at dawn
Go and set me free
Because I am losing control
I won't stop until I can forget you
*Today I will turn into the shadow of what I was
And I, and I, and I wish you to be happy
It is time you have to leave
Go without me, go without me
Don't forget to erase me at dawn
Translations: solangelvp@gokpop

Thanks for reading :) Next entry maybe? ^^

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